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Top 5 benchmark apps for Mac performance tests
November 22, 2019
We all know Macs are quite durable machines that tend to last for years. Naturally, their performance starts lagging at some point, but for a long time, it’s barely noticeable. So how do we know it’s time for a change and our Macs are a bit behind the current industry standard? Benchmark apps!
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How To Find IP Address On Mac In Seconds
August 14, 2019
When your computer connects to the internet, it has a unique number assigned to it called an Internet Protocol (IP) address. Similar to a mailing address, each computer on the network has a dedicated IP address that identifies it. Without an IP address, no messages or information packets can be sent or received.
Tips & tricks Tutorial Apps for
Top tips for how to use Snapchat on Mac
August 02, 2019
What is Snapchat after all? Snapchat is a fun instant messaging app with a twist — it's built around the idea of connecting with your friends without leaving a lot of digital baggage on the web by only making its messages available for so long after they are sent.
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