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Keep It Shot

Bewertungen und Rezensionen Keep It Shot

Anteil positiver Rezensionen
161 Bewertungen

Keep It Shot via Setapp

Keep it Shot is an AI-powered tool for automatic file renaming.

Rename images and videos in bulk with Keep It Shot. This AI-powered app generates meaningful names for your files that reflect the content of your screenshot for easier file management and search.
Version 0.1.4
Benötigt macOS 10.15 oder neuer

Features von Keep It Shot

Rename screenshots

Add meaningful names to your screenshots in moments with this AI-powered helper. The app uses AI to analyze your screenshot and generate a name for it that makes it easier to search and file.

Change names in batches

Don’t waste any time managing your screenshots or screen recordings — simply select multiples and let Keep It Shot generate meaningful names for your files.

Revert names

Don’t like a filename that the app generated? No problem — simply revert it back to your file’s original name in just a click.

Automate your renaming

If you want all your screenshots neatly named according to their content as soon as they are created, set Keep It Shot to automatically rename your files. Customize the rename prompt for more precise results.

Search renamed files

What’s the point of renaming your screenshots to reflect their content unless you can search them? Use Keep It Shot’s built-in private offline search to look for specific items in your library.

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Keep It Shot
Anteil positiver Rezensionen
161 Bewertungen
Version 0.1.4
Benötigt macOS 10.15 oder neuer
Keep It Shot
via Über 250 Apps.