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Ratings and reviews MenubarX

Positive reviews percentage
232 ratings

MenubarX via Setapp

Browse the web from menu bar

Discover a new way to browse the web with this menu bar browser. Quickly access web pages from the menu bar and view the tab icons for your open pages directly in your menu bar. Create as many tabs as you want, pin individual windows, adjust window size, bookmark pages, and more with MenubarX.
version 1.7.5
requires macOS 10.15.4 or later

MenubarX features

Easy browsing

Simply open the pages you want from the menu bar and enjoy instant access to content — read, watch, play, listen. MenubarX has no limits on the number of pages you can open or bookmark. Set custom homepage and website icons for your most visited pages.

Light as a feather

Tired of desktop browsers using up way too much memory on your Mac? MenubarX is light as a feather and delivers impressive performance while using very little memory.

Readily customizable

MenubarX puts your experience first. Customize your window size, use shortcuts for quick actions, pin or detach windows. This menu bar browser also offers device simulator, quick search, and native app mode. You can also set the app to dark mode to remove bright light from your screen in the dark.

Auto refresh

Stay on top of all your favorite news and updates with MenubarX’s automatic update. Your open pages will update in the background — just click the page icon in the menu bar when you want to view your web page and instantly get the most recent version of the page.

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Positive reviews percentage
232 ratings
version 1.7.5
requires macOS 10.15.4 or later
via + 250 apps.