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Pareto Security

Ratings and reviews Pareto Security

Positive reviews percentage
629 ratings

Pareto Security via Setapp

Check your security settings

Mac comes with a number of built-in security solutions that can help you prevent your data from being stolen or accessed by unauthorized people. Pareto Security checks your device to see if you’ve utilized all these solutions and lets you know what can be improved. Always keep your Mac security settings up to par with this helpful tool.
version 1.8.8
requires macOS 11.0 or later

Pareto Security features

Easy security

Have you ever turned off your Mac’s security settings for the sake of convenience? Keeping your sharing on or password off may be a practical temporary solution, but it’s easy to lose track of which setting is on and which is off on your Mac at any given time. Get reminded about turning on important security settings on your Mac with Pareto Security.

Security checklist

Currently, Pareto Security checks your Mac against a list of 20 security settings, including whether your FileVault and Firewall are on, AirPlay receiver is off, boot is secure, and your password is on after inactivity. More security setting checks are planned to be added to the app in the future.

Menu bar interface

Pareto Security lives in your menu bar and runs in the background to check your security settings. If something is off, you’ll see an orange spot next to the app’s icon in your menu bar. Just click the app icon and look for orange circles. Everything that’s green signifies that respective security settings are on. Items marked orange let you know a particular setting is not set to its most secure option, so it might be time to review it!

Automatic checks

Pareto Security runs in the background while you work and it does its checks automatically. So if you accidentally forget to turn on one of the security features on the app’s checklist after temporarily disabling it, Pareto Security will spot it. What’s more, you can snooze the app at your convenience for times when you want to pause the checks.

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Pareto Security
Positive reviews percentage
629 ratings
version 1.8.8
requires macOS 11.0 or later
Pareto Security
via + 250 apps.