Voice Dream Reader
Listen to your texts
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Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Listen to your texts
With this text-to-speech reader you can listen to books, articles, Google Docs texts, PDFs, and more. Voice Dream Reader can read out loud even your ebooks as long as they are DRM-free EPUBs or DAISY files. Your texts are processed offline to protect your privacy.
When you have someone’s voice in your ear for hours, you want it to be something that matches your mood and your reading material, which is why Voice Dream Reader offers a whopping 75 voices in 27 languages. Pick the voice that you like most or switch them out every time to match your text.
Use Voice Dream Reader to improve reading comprehension — the app allows you to highlight each word spoken or use autoscroll to make it easier to follow the text as you read. For better comprehension, you can also adjust font, colors, line spacing to your preference, as well as explore high contrast large fonts.
Don’t waste time sifting through your library, looking for that one thing you’ve been meaning to read, — use Voice Dream Reader’s tools like filters and sorting to locate exactly what you need in moments. Use folders to categorize your items by style, topic, genre, etc.
One downside to audiobooks is that you need to keep all of the information you hear in your head. With Voice Dream Reader, you can listen and work with text at the same time! Bookmark, highlight, and take notes in your texts. Use the built-in dictionary and full-text search to get the most out of your reading.