Wallpaper Wizard
Choose from 25K wallpapers
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.

Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Choose from 25K wallpapers
Even if you’ve had default Mac backgrounds all your life, you’ll quickly get addicted to backgrounds from Wallpaper Wizard. They are talented photos picked in good taste — just the right fit for your beautiful Mac.
The amount of backgrounds in Wallpaper Wizard is massive, and there are new ones arriving every month. That means you won’t run out of fresh backgrounds for your desktop even if you change them every day.
With that many wallpapers and backgrounds, it’s easy to lose track of those that caught your eye. Add pictures you like best to Favorites and have them close at hand whenever you want them again.
When you have a Retina display — especially one of those big 4K ones — image resolution can make it or break it. All desktop images in Wallpaper Wizard come in 4K quality to look sharp even on high-end displays.
You can have a new background as often as you want without even launching the app. Just add all wallpapers you like to Roll, choose how often you’d like them to change, and gorge on gorgeous new pics all the time.
There are many options for your many displays: you can use the same desktop wallpaper on all of them, set different backgrounds that always change, or have a sequence of images that roll through your displays.