Change the way you work with AI chat
Generate text or code, improve or translate text, get new ideas using AI chat in TypingMind app.
Generate text or code, improve or translate text, get new ideas using AI chat in TypingMind app.
Sign up to Setapp free trial or subscription, install Setapp on your Mac, get TypingMind off Setapp, chat with AI!
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Get TypingMind app on Setapp
Chat with AI!
You can select AI chat model to interact with in TypingMind, including AI chat powered by GPT-4.
Setapp is one subscription to 250+ apps for Mac and iOS. Sign up once, use apps that power you up every day.
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AI chat with alternative UI
Spark Mail
Easy email manager
CleanMyMac X
Cleaner app for Mac
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Whether it’s for video editing, coding, writing, or designing, there’s always a bunch of apps that power you up as a professional.
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