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App Tamer

Ratings and reviews App Tamer

Positive reviews percentage
609 ratings

App Tamer via Setapp

Reduce CPU usage

App Tamer allows you to slow down or stop the apps that use too much CPU. App Tamer spots idle apps that hog CPU when they are in the background, and takes action. Use App Tamer to manually adjust which apps you want to control and how much CPU they can use when idle, monitor CPU usage in the menu bar, get notified about CPU-hogging, and more.
version 2.8.4
requires macOS 10.15 or later

App Tamer features

Background app taming

CPU use by background apps can lead to slower performance, shorter battery life, prompt heating and trigger your Mac’s fans. App Tamer helps you to manage and reduce overall CPU usage by controlling idle apps working in the background. With App Tamer, you can choose to slow down a background app or stop it altogether.

Battery-minded settings

You don’t have to slow down or stop your background apps continuously. App Tamer allows you to adjust settings to only tame apps when your Mac is not plugged in and the battery charge is under a certain percentage.

Menu bar control

Easily access App Tamer from your Mac’s menu bar. Browse the current processes taking up your CPU, see stopped and slowed down apps, pause App Tamer, and quickly access the app’s settings.

Color indicator for increased CPU usage

App Tamer is on guard of your Mac’s productivity at all times. By default, the app changes the color of its menu bar icon to let you know when CPU use on your machine increases.

Notifications for CPU-hogging

Get notified whenever an app uses too much CPU for a certain amount of time. You can adjust both the time limit and CPU percentage that triggers notifications. What’s more, you can exclude your favorite apps from this rule.

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App Tamer
Positive reviews percentage
609 ratings
version 2.8.4
requires macOS 10.15 or later
App Tamer
via + 250 apps.