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Ratings and reviews BoltAI

Positive reviews percentage
367 ratings

BoltAI via Setapp

Write, code, learn with AI

Work faster with an AI tool that allows you to work with text or code, use task-specific AI assistants, learn, create content faster, and more. With its streamlined chat interface and rich prompt library, BoltAI makes your AI experience smooth and streamlined.
version 1.33.5
requires macOS 12.0 or later

BoltAI features

Chat with AI

Use BoltAI’s intuitive chat UI to chat with various AI models. Discover a library of built-in prompts and characters to get quality results in response to your queries. Use with Setapp AI or AI+ credits or your own AI key.

Create custom AI assistants

In BoltAI, you can use either the built-in selection of AI assistant personalities like a software developer, travel planner, career counselor, and more, or create custom assistants tailored to your needs.

Generate ideas or text

Want to write more for your blog or professional publications but just don’t have the time? Get help generating ideas, topics, blog posts, articles, or technical content with BoltAI.

Work with code

Make your work with code easier with BoltAI’s software developer assistant — just ask what you need or get help with ideas to solve your coding dilemmas.

Learn faster with AI

Get key takeaways and summaries of texts you are working with, simplify and condense content, and prompt BoltAI to refine or rewrite your own texts. You can also add your own commands to the list in app settings.

One membership,
dozens of apps.
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Positive reviews percentage
367 ratings
version 1.33.5
requires macOS 12.0 or later
via + 250 apps.