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Ratings and reviews BusyCal

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1828 ratings

BusyCal via Setapp

Sync your tasks with calendar

When your day is scheduled down to the minute, you need a calendar that isn’t another chore to use. Enter BusyCal, an elegant and easy to use calendar designed to make your life easier. Packed with handy features like travel time trackers, integrated to-do lists, and quick-add events, it’s sure to save you time and stress. Plus, its immediate syncing makes it easy to switch devices or manage multiple calendars for work and personal events.
version 2025.1.1
requires macOS 10.15 or later

BusyCal features

Flexible interface

Switch effortlessly between daily, monthly, and weekly view with the app’s clean and easy-to-read panel of your upcoming events. Plus, customize the layout even further. Not only can you choose font style and size, and color-code events, you can also set how many weeks are displayed in the month view and the days in the week view. The interface is built to fit your needs exactly.

Handy to-dos

Schedule and track your to-do items as the calendar seamlessly incorporates them into your life. BusyCal keeps your to-dos in sight and in mind as you go about your week, which is also great for long-term planning. In addition, your checklist syncs with other reminder apps automatically, so you’ll never lose track of what’s next. The app even has a separate to-do list display that you can access with a click.

Quick edits

Easily add and edit events using BusyCal’s info panel feature. The panel occupies the app’s sidebar and allows you to update notes, times, tags, and locations, among other things. Best of all, the info panel itself is customizable, letting you choose the important information you want to see for different events.

Built-in travel time

Never be late again with one of BusyCal’s most useful features — its integrated travel time calculator. Scheduling events is only half the battle when you have to contend with traffic or transit problems. The app integrates with Maps and Location Services on your Mac to give you a good estimate of how long your trip should take, and lets you incorporate that time into your schedule.

Natural language

Quickly pen in events even while you multitask by writing as you speak. Type in location, participants, or time, and a natural language processor will interpret what you write and schedule it accordingly. This allows your schedule to understand words like “tomorrow” and respond to them with concrete dates, saving you the hassle of manual scheduling.

Custom alerts

Create specific reminders that work for you, from pop-up notifications to audio alerts. Alarms can be snoozed, paused, and repeated as necessary, and they work even when the BusyCal app window is closed. It’s a great way to make sure you are always on time and that careful planning pays off.

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Positive reviews percentage
1828 ratings
version 2025.1.1
requires macOS 10.15 or later
via + 250 apps.