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Ratings and reviews OpenIn

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979 ratings

OpenIn via Setapp

Open links in select browsers

Always open Zoom links in Zoom, emails in Gmail or any other app of your choice, etc. OpenIn helps cleverly customize selector lists for links, emails, and files to streamline your workflow. Optimized for Apple Silicon Macs. Supports TouchBar and quick selection with Keyboard.
version 4.2.2
requires macOS 14.6 or later

OpenIn features

Open mailto links the way you want

OpenIn helps you create a list of options on how to open mailto links so that when you click on such a link, you’ll see the selector with only specific mail clients. It could be Mac apps like Mail or browser-based apps like Gmail. You can also reorder the list to see your preferred options first.

Open files in custom apps

Just like with mail clients, you can personalize the selector list for all the files you open on Mac. All you have to do is pick the apps to open your files with. What’s more, OpenIn allows you to modify file open requests so that an app of your choice opens a parent folder instead of a file.

Works with file extensions

You can even customize the way you open files that have certain file extensions. Just drop a file with the extension in OpenIn, choose the apps to open it with, and set OpenIn as a default file opening utility. It’s also possible to reorder the apps that will appear in the selector.

Easy to personalize

Click on the plus button in the upper right corner of the OpenIn Preferences to add any custom apps and browsers you want to see in the selector. Set the app to always open Zoom links in the Zoom app. Even choose browsers that should be used by default for specific domains. It’s easy to make OpenIn part of your workflow.

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Positive reviews percentage
979 ratings
version 4.2.2
requires macOS 14.6 or later
via + 250 apps.