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Ratings and reviews Subjects

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33 ratings

Subjects via Setapp

Track class schedule, homework

Mac iOS
Manage your studying life with Subjects — keep track of your class schedule, log upcoming and past assignments, save grading weights for future reference, calculate your GPA, and collaborate with classmates.
version 1.8
requires macOS 14.6 or later

Subjects features

Track class schedule

Save your class schedule in the app and view upcoming classes in an easily digestible timetable. Color code your subjects, add teachers, set the number of times a class repeats, include class topic and description.

Log homework

Manage your upcoming and past homework in a single interface in Subjects — include assignment descriptions, due date, and weight. Mark items as complete when done!

Include class details

In addition to managing class schedule and delivering your assignments on time, keeping track of your grading weights or class credits can get overwhelming. Log detailed class information, like grading weights, grading scale, and credits, in Subjects.

Collaborate with classmates

Studying can be made that much better with the right team. Make the most out of Subjects by teaming up with classmates to share class schedule, assignments, and class information.

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Positive reviews percentage
33 ratings
version 1.8
requires macOS 14.6 or later
via + 250 apps.