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Ratings and reviews uBar

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383 ratings

uBar via Setapp

Make the Dock useful

There’s a lot about the Mac environment that works. Unfortunately, for many users, the Dock isn’t one of them. It’s somehow both too big and too small, and it makes a big swath of your screen useless. Plus, it’s all too easy to accidentally open some unrelated Mac Dock apps by mistake. uBar brings some much-needed competition to the taskbar for Mac game. This utility helps you build an unobstructive custom Mac dock for your apps, cleaning up your workspace and boosting your productivity. With a customizable dock, it works even better across several displays. It’s time to upgrade — uBar gets the taskbar right.
version 4.2.1
requires macOS 10.10 or later

uBar features

All apps at a glance

Unlike the Dock, uBar gives you a high level of control right from your desktop. You can see all your active apps arranged in the taskbar. From there, you can preview, group, quit, or close any app window without opening it. It’s the easiest way to get your Mac dock customized and navigate a busy desktop without clicking around to get your bearings.

Multi-monitor support

Built to accommodate designers, editors, and other creatives, uBar is a perfect companion for a multi-screen setup. Rather than giving you three copies of the same dock, the app will display things designated for that specific screen. For example, each taskbar will only contain apps open on its screen, helping you cut down on clutter and focus on the project at hand.

Progress, alerts, and updates

The app helps you keep a detailed eye on how your applications are running. Badges and flashing alerts let you know when a program needs your attention, while built-in progress bars let you track installations, updates, and track position for apps like iTunes. When something goes wrong, the app icon will automatically turn grey, letting you spot and troubleshoot issues from a distance.

A clean and organized desktop

Slim and compact, uBar clings to the bottom of the screen while still providing high-information functionality. Expandable menus give you a high level of control without gobbling up your desktop real estate. Plus, collapsible utilities like a clock and calendar help you streamline your workspace even more.

Expand functionality as needed

The taskbar grows as much as you need it to and stays out of the way when you don’t. Juggling a boatload of projects? Enable up to five rows of app icons. Trying to save space? Pare it down to just one. Whatever your workflow looks like, there’s a configuration that fits — all you need is this app to find it.

One size fits all, always

Unlike your default dock, uBar never swells or shrinks unexpectedly when you mouse over it. Your icons and their bar stay the same size with no bouncing or hopping for your attention. The bar is located in one place regardless of where your cursor is, a simple but profound improvement.

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Positive reviews percentage
383 ratings
version 4.2.1
requires macOS 10.10 or later
via + 250 apps.