Try an alternative app marketplace

Get your apps on Setapp Mobile




Easy app flow

Explore a curated selection of apps on Setapp Mobile — install and use whenever you need them.

No hidden fees

One subscription covers all the apps. There are no hidden fees or in-app purchases.

Quality tools

Enjoy hand-picked apps that empower you to make your life simple.

These and more apps for your iPhone

From task flowcharts to organizing photos or shaping habits, discover apps for many tasks on your iPhone.


Remove digital junk


Be safer online


Track spending


Download videos

Focused Work

Work in timed intervals


Create quick notes


Create item inventories


Take manual photos


Set widget reminders

Get Setapp Mobile

About Setapp

Setapp is an app platform to get apps for daily tasks on Mac and iOS. Launched in 2016, Setapp curates handy tools for your devices, saving you time, money, and effort on app discovery.

More about Setapp

Discover apps

Setapp makes it easy to browse, search, and explore apps by category, name, or task.

Tackle tasks

One Setapp subscription offers access to handy apps that help tackle your to-dos.

Stay secure

All apps on Setapp were notarized by Apple, i.e. scanned for malicious content.

Setapp in the media

Use Setapp Mobile invite-only beta

  • Your iPhone runs iOS 17.4 or later
  • You are in the EU
  • Your Apple ID country is set to an EU member
You need to be physically present in the EU in order to be able to install apps on your iPhone from Setapp Mobile.
New users

Free for 30 days

Then $9.99/month + tax

Final amount may vary depending on applicable tax in your location

Install apps from Setapp Mobile on 2 iPhones

Try Setapp Mobile
Power User, AI Expert

Included in the plan

For Setapp users on active Power User and AI Expert plans

Install apps from Setapp Mobile on 2 iPhones

Try Setapp Mobile
Other Setapp plans

Free in invite-only beta

For other plans excluding Family and Setapp for Teams

Install apps from Setapp Mobile on 2 iPhones

Try Setapp Mobile

Got a question?

You need to be physically present in the EU in order to be able to install apps on your iPhone from Setapp Mobile.

If you are physically located in the EU and your Apple ID country is an EU member, you can try Setapp Mobile for 30 days free during the invite-only beta. After that, you’ll need a plan that covers Setapp Mobile use, i.e. iOS Advanced, Power User, or AI Expert.

Please make sure your Apple ID country is an EU member. Next, check that your iPhone runs iOS 17.4 or later. To do so, open Settings, then go to General > Software Update. If you still have issues, please reach out to our support team.

Installing iOS apps from alternative app stores is currently only made available in the EU region. Your location is not determined by your IP address, so you will not be able to install or use Setapp Mobile if you are not located in an EU member state.

Setapp users on select plans can try Setapp mobile for free for 30 days if their plan is active. If you use an iPhone with iOS 17.4 or later, are physically located in the EU, and your Apple ID country is an EU member, please purchase the iOS Advanced plan or another eligible plan on Setapp to use Setapp Mobile. The list of all plans on Setapp is available here.