iBoysoft MagicMenu
Expand your Mac’s right click
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.

Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Expand your Mac’s right click
There’s arguably no tool that’s used more frequently on our Macs than the right click menu. But you don’t have to stay locked into the options the default setup of the menu offers. Add more functionality to your right-click menu with iBoysoft MagicMenu app.
Want to create a new file? Just click on any blank space in a folder or on your Mac’s desktop and get the option right away in your right-click menu. Add the respective shortcut to allow the creation of new files in a number of formats, including KEY, PDF, TXT, PAGES, DOCX, XLSX, and more.
With iBoysoft MagicMenu, you get a handy alternative to drag-and-drop with its Move To menu tool. The app allows you to right-click on a file and choose to move it to the location of your choice directly from the right-click menu.
While the Move To tool in iBoysoft MagicMenu allows you to remove your file from its original folder and put it to a new one, the app’s Send To functionality copies your file to a new location and keeps the original intact. Add the folders you want to this menu and copy files to new locations in just a couple of clicks.
With Quick Access, you can boost your right-click menu with the apps you use often. Have your trusted tools easily reachable without having to open Finder or Launchpad. Add your favorite apps or even webpages to Quick Access in your customized MagicMenu.