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In Your Face

Ratings and reviews In Your Face

Positive reviews percentage
600 ratings

In Your Face via Setapp

Never be late to meetings again

Ever forgot about a meeting even though a reminder appeared somewhere in your screen’s top right corner? In Your Face app is designed to make your event alerts so prominent, you probably won’t be able to miss them.
version 3.16.0
requires macOS 12.0 or later

In Your Face features

Full-screen alerts

Be it a face-to-face event or a video conference, In Your Face will remind you. Stay focused on your tasks without having to check the time left before your event — In Your Face will alert you with a full-screen reminder. Plus, you can review your schedule directly from the menu bar!

One-click join

Got an alert about an upcoming video chat meeting? You can join directly from the alert — just click the video camera icon in your In Your Face full-screen reminder.

Alert sounds

When your alert sound stays the same for a long time, your brain learns to tune it out. In Your Face has a collection of alert sounds for you to choose from — easily customize your alert sound that best fits your lifestyle and preferences.

Custom reminders

And even if you have no calendar event for a reminder you need, it’s easy in In Your Face. Create custom reminders that don’t need a calendar event and be reminded whenever you need.

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In Your Face
Positive reviews percentage
600 ratings
version 3.16.0
requires macOS 12.0 or later
In Your Face
via + 250 apps.