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Ratings and reviews MarsEdit

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129 ratings

MarsEdit via Setapp

Create your text content offline

Inspiration won’t wait for the right moment. MarsEdit allows you to end internet connection dependencies and create high-quality content offline. Write, add media and attachments, fine-tune text, and publish when you’re back online. It all happens in one spot on your desktop.
version 5.3.3
requires macOS 10.15.4 or later

MarsEdit features

Rich and Plain text editing

Perfect your content in your favorite editing mode. You can toggle between Rich and Plain Text. If you use Markdown, write in an HTML editor or Plain Text mode. You can also write in Rich Text and the app will automatically convert what you type to HTML.

Wide compatibility

If you’re used to WordPress, you’ll love it even more when you write from the desktop. MarsEdit has extensive support for WordPress functionality, including Post Format customization and adding featured images. Plus, the app integrates with all blog publishing services based on MetaWeblog or AtomPub interfaces.

Add media and attachments

Without going online, attach files to your blog post and they will be automatically uploaded when you publish. For photo attachments, use Media Manager. MarsEdit scans images from Apple Photos, Lightroom, and Aperture so that you can easily throw them into your posts.

Smart previews

See how your blog post will appear when published on the web in preview. MarsEdit includes a default preview template which you can customize flexibly. Markdown, MultiMarkdown, and Convert Line Breaks, and custom preview filters can be applied.

Safari app extension

Although you don’t need web for writing, you need it for research. MarsEdit’s Safari App Extension is available at all times and you can easily enable it in Safari’s extensions. So whenever you come across something interesting online, you can instantly jump into blogging.

Backup your writing

With MarsEdit, you never lose a piece of your work. The app stores all local drafts in a separate folder for an easy access and progress tracking. You can also instantly download the history of published posts – works with all major publishing services.

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Positive reviews percentage
129 ratings
version 5.3.3
requires macOS 10.15.4 or later
via + 250 apps.