“Setapp gives me extra confidence that I will never have to work for others anymore.”
– Philip Young Gunawan, Session developer
– Philip Young Gunawan, Session developer
Session is Setappians’ beloved way to concentrate. Based on the famous Pomodoro technique, it has productivity analytics and nifty little things, such as asking you to take a breath before your work sessions.
Session was born as a side project and the developer’s personal aspiration to stay focused on work as an independent contractor. Philip mentions he needed a tool that would motivate him to stay on tasks, as well as wanted to gain some experience developing native macOS and iOS apps. So Session becoming a successful business was actually a happy accident!
Philip’s first interaction with Setapp happened after the release of Session on Product Hunt, and he immediately decided to hop on board.
“My expectation at the time was that I would be receiving $x/mo from Setapp. If I did, I could safely quit my job to focus on Session full-time. And that’s what happened!”
The first month with Setapp was a game changer. 75% of the total app revenue came from Setapp, while the App Store was generating just 25% at the time. This was enough for Philip to take the leap and quit his job, so he could fully focus on Session, with stable income flowing in.
“The only metric that I care about is revenue. First month I joined Setapp, Session made exactly the number I promised myself to quit all job/contract work.”
Speaking about the process of integrating Session into Setapp, it was frictionless.
“The integration and review process was fast, it didn’t take longer than 24 hours. Also if there's an issue, I usually get reached directly by the Setapp team, which is nice.”
To developers who’re thinking about joining Setapp, Philip says: “Absolutely do it. It’s a no-brainer.” While Setapp takes care of the distribution, developers have more time to focus on the technical side, perfecting the app and fixing the bugs. Users get the place to discover and try out apps. And, Setapp profits from app usage, too, of course. So it’s a win-win-win!