Simplify SQLite file management
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Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Notarized by Apple. This app was scanned for malicious software and none was found.
Simplify SQLite file management
Create SQLite databases in seconds. It’s simple and quick to make a new database, so do it anytime. For test data, experiments or production files, it’s up to you.
Edit everything! This includes all column- and table-level constraints. In fact, with this robust sqlite editor, you can edit everything from the basic default values to complex foreign key constraints.
No need to fight with long-winded CREATE TABLE statements! You can add, edit and delete columns or constraints from a single sheet. Base has made the creating and maintaining of tables simpler than ever.
Effortlessly find your data using the novel and improved filtering system. It is now fast and simple to create difficult queries with minimal typing in a familiar spotlight-like view.
Import any CSV or SQLite from dump files, then export your tables and custom queries to SQL, delimited text, XML or Microsoft Excel-compatible formats! You can also export your filters to SQL statements.
With Base, SQL editing is made easy. Besides the typical syntax highlighting option, this app can now autocomplete standard SQL commands. You can also store your most used SQL snippets for prompt re-use later on.