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Ratings and reviews Whisk

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182 ratings

Whisk via Setapp

Code editor with live preview

Whisk is a modern app for HTML, PHP, CSS, and JavaScript with a live preview pane that updates as you type. Save time coding and previewing changes. Whether you’re just getting started with web development or have extensive experience creating websites, Whisk is a huge workflow booster.
version 2.6.2
requires macOS 10.11 or later

Whisk features

Instant preview

Based on the same rendering engine as Safari, Whisk automatically renders HTML and PHP as you type. The speed is impressive. With Whisk, there’s no need to save HTML files and then preview them in a browser. It’s all done on the fly within Whisk’s sleek interface.

Watched Files

The preview will be updated automatically as soon as Whisk identifies any files from the page have been changed — you’ll see the preview reload almost instantly. The app generates a list of resources associated with the page and watches your filesystem to track any changes.

Error highlighting and more

Whisk uses W3C-based validation, highlighting errors with a red underline to ensure the accuracy of your code. Apart from that, you get customizable syntax highlighting, color swatches, reusable code snippets, scroll sync, and many other features to automate your web dev process.

Works on Apple Silicon

Whisk was built as a Universal app so it runs natively on Apple Silicon. Enjoy incredibly fast rendering, no matter which Mac model you have. It’s also fully compatible with macOS Big Sur.

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Positive reviews percentage
182 ratings
version 2.6.2
requires macOS 10.11 or later
via + 250 apps.