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WiFi Signal

Ratings and reviews WiFi Signal

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350 ratings

WiFi Signal via Setapp

Monitor and troubleshoot your Wi-Fi connection

Monitor your Wi-Fi connection with ease using WiFi Signal app. This tiny but mighty tool can display the Wi-Fi info you need next to your Mac’s menu bar — from displaying your IP address or BSSID to data rate or signal strength.
version 4.4.13
requires macOS 10.14.6 or later

WiFi Signal features

Monitor signal strength

Stay on top of your connectivity and performance with WiFi Signal. The app monitors your Wi-Fi signal and generates a handy graph, viewable live with a click on the app’s menu bar icon. Check your IP, signal strength, noise, speed, and more in no time!

Add menu bar items

You can also view info about your Wi-Fi connection straight in the menu bar. Go to the app’s settings to choose two parameters you want displayed. Our favorite choices are to display an IP address or BSSID. Alternatively, you can add a data rate or signal strength info, or pick out of a dozen more parameters of your connection to be displayed in the menu bar.

Set up notifications

Get notifications about your Mac’s network activity with WiFi Signal. The app can notify you when your device joins or disconnects from a network, or roams to another access point. You can also choose to get a notification when your transmit rate drops below a certain speed or the quality of the link degrades below a certain point.

Use annotations

In WiFi Signal, you can add annotations to networks to assign them custom labels. This can make it much easier to discern between various access points, e.g. you can add labels to signify which floor an access point is at.

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WiFi Signal
Positive reviews percentage
350 ratings
version 4.4.13
requires macOS 10.14.6 or later
WiFi Signal
via + 250 apps.