Setapp at Apple WWDC 2019: Full disclosure

2 min read

It’s that time of the year again – Apple time.

The 30th annual Worldwide Developers Conference is about to begin in San Jose, California. This year, the event will be held at the McEnery Convention Center June 3 through June 7. As always, expect huge news from Tim Cook, lots of talent, and conversations you’ll want to take home.

Apart from meeting 1,000+ Apple engineers, the WWDC 2019 guests will get a peek at Apple’s new operating systems. Plus, you might be the first to witness the birth of some hardware and software novelties as well.

Setapp faces

In Setapp, we love the tradition of getting together with Apple community at WWDC. As we bring along our passion about Mac apps, we also receive lots of fresh insights in return. So if you’re going, we really want to find you and talk about Setapp, Mac apps, iOS apps, any apps. And non-apps too.

Let us introduce Setapp team members who’ll be arriving in San Jose to meet you: Oleksandr Kosovan — Founder and CEO of MacPaw and Setapp; Yaroslav Gornostal — WebServices Team Lead; Maria Polishchuk and Miika Mantyvaara— Business Development Managers; Alex Tatarchuk — Product Marketing Manager; Pavlo Haidamak — Product Manager; Julia Petryk and Eugene Kalnyk — PR Team.

A little party? Give me two

Before diving into the opening keynote, we’ll attend sjMacIndie party, a preliminary networking event where indie developers hang out on June 2. Feel free to join us there!

Because two parties are better than one, we are also hosting our own WWDC celebration, along with Paddle. Come to The Tech Museum of Innovation on June 3 if you don’t want to miss the chance to connect. From world’s top entrepreneurs to journalists and devs, we’ve welcomed a huge audience last year. And we’re hopeful to see an even bigger WWDC crowd in 2019.

Join us at AltConf 2019

Another tradition we love is attending AltConf, a community-driven event running alongside Apple’s WWDC. The meeting point is, as usual, San Jose Marriott.

This time we‘re happy to announce that Setapp’s CEO, Oleksandr Kosovan, will participate in the panel discussion dedicated to Apple Arcade launch. Scheduled for the morning of June 4, this is a must-attend talk for those curious about app subscription business.

So there are many spots across WWDC 2019 where you can meet us. We’ll be happy to discuss Apple keynote at the main venue, chat about app subscriptions within AltConf, or connect at The Tech Museum of Innovation on June 3.

Enjoy the celebration and see you there!

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