Think about your latest achievement at work or promotion. How did you react? Was it something like: "My achievements are simply good luck" or "I simply appeared in the right place at the right time"? Do you sometimes think your achievements are fake? If yes, there's a high chance you've got the Imposter syndrome (IS).
Lack of in-person communication. Cultural differences. Different time zones. Do you experience these issues firsthand working in a geographically dispersed team? The good news is doesn't have to be that way. In our guide, we'll uncover common challenges with distributed teams and how to solve them.
Why is time management important in a team? Because it helps to detect the bottlenecks that prevent a team from becoming a team of A-Players. Such teams know what tasks they spend most of their time doing, can quickly detect unoptimized working processes, and avoid micromanagement.
How do you know collective effort brings desired results to your company? And if it doesn’t, how to make it work? In this guide, we explore the depths of team productivity.