Help Setapp help you: Share your use case

1 min read

Looking to improve your workflow? The time has come! We’re planning to release a series of use cases — short articles in the app — to help Setappians do more of what they love with their Mac. We have about a million use cases in our backlog, but we’ve decided to pass the mic to you. Because we truly want this content to serve you. So starting now, you can share your use case or suggest a topic so we write it for you. 

Use case Setapp app

Here’s a quick FAQ to answer your questions

What’s a use case? Can you give me an example?

Sure. Let’s say you manage a business page on Instagram. You want to create a consistent visual style for your profile so it looks pretty and brings more leads. In this case, you can use CameraBag Pro to apply custom presets to all your content. Then, use PhotoBulk to watermark your creatives. Both these apps are on Setapp, so it’s a win-win for you. 

So a use case is about Setapp apps used together? 

Not necessarily. Your use case could be based on one app. Or maybe you want to share how you solve a task with a bunch of apps — both Setapp and non-Setapp. That’s totally fine. As long as Setapp is involved and it helps you in your workflow, we’d love to hear about it. 

Will you edit my use case? 

Our editorial team might adjust the tone and grammar, tweak the structure, or add some GIFs to illustrate your use case. But we won’t change the main thing — the apps. 

Will you list me as an author? 

If you’d like to, yes. Just leave your name in the form when submitting a use case. 

Can I just tell you what I want to read about?

Yes! Please do. If you don’t have a solution to your task, we can try and solve it for you. In the form, click to open the drop-down menu and choose “Suggest a topic.” 

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