Why Teamwork Is Important

5 min read

Teamwork in the workplace can help you and others be more productive, happier at work, and increase the quality of work that’s being produced. Though many may say teamwork is important, it can be difficult for them to articulate why they feel so.

We’ll discuss the definition of teamwork, why teamwork is important for you and others, and how teamwork in the workplace can increase your overall happiness.

What is Teamwork?

The teamwork meaning may change a bit depending on who you talk to, but the overall scope is the same. Teamwork is a group of people working together towards a common goal, and doing so in as efficient and effective way as possible. 

Individuals are dependent on one another for interconnected tasks, which in turn makes each person responsible for the overall project and accomplishing tasks.

Reasons of the importance of teamwork

So why is teamwork important? Here are seven answers, each of which are important and relevant to your team.

  • You learn about everyone’s workflow. If someone has a lot to do for a project, or sub-task of a project, you learn to understand the scope of their work and how it helps everyone succeed. It’s easy to be frustrated when someone is behind, but teamwork shows everyone what others are doing to help the team succeed.
  • Responsibility is shared. You feel free to focus on your tasks and allow others to focus on their work. This means everyone shares individual responsibility, but their work being done on-time is critical to the health of the larger project.
  • It creates camaraderie. Teamwork can help you form bonds with coworkers, and can encourage people to work together over lunches or take breaks together.
  • Promotes positive office culture. People will undoubtedly have fallings out, but when people work together they want to be positive with one another, and even the smallest spats end quickly as people work together. 
  • Allows trust to form. Whether someone completes work on-time or they fail, teamwork creates a transparency that provides peace of mind. People learn they can trust each other to complete tasks, or that those who fall behind will provide answers to the team on why they are.
  • Better for your personal life. If you’re trying to do everything yourself, you’re undoubtedly working when you should be enjoying personal time. Relying on teammates helps you focus on tasks you need to do, and allowing others to do the same. In this methodology, everyone feels freer to take time off or enjoy weekends away from work.
  • Helps drive company forward. People focusing on tasks means they have time to innovate where necessary, or provide critical feedback on how a process can be improved. 

Best apps for your teams


When teammates are involved in ideation or creation of a project, there will be a lot of disparate concepts and ideas at play. Keeping track of it all can be really helpful, especially when it’s important to show how those ideas fit into the overall scope of a project. MindNode from our Setapp subscription is the perfect tool for this.

MindNode is a beautiful mind mapping app that lets you branch ideas and projects out, then ideate on what’s needed to complete the tasks, or how the team feels those projects should be focused. Mind mapping lets everyone have a say, and allows a manager or team leader to plug those contents in where they fit best.

You can also color code projects, use icons to tag and track ideas in the map, and export your maps for use in other productivity apps. 

MindNode for Mac


Some say timing is everything, and when it comes to teamwork and staying productive, the app Timing from our Setapp subscription may be your everything!

Timing is a powerful time management app that helps you schedule tasks and focus on what’s important. It helps you focus on the task at hand, not hours in the day. With a bit of planning to start your week, teammates can create a detailed schedule for how and when they’ll complete work on a project, and spend less time worrying about what others are doing or if someone else is working on a dependency for a task.

The app also has a detailed reporting feature that allows teammates to provide very detailed timesheets for what they worked on during the week, which can help everyone grasp how far along a project is, and when it may be nearing completion.

timing app mac

Be Focused

While Timing allows you to plan your week, Be Focused keeps everyone on-task and less distracted. The app lives in your Mac’s menu bar, and allows you the chance to set timers for tasks quickly. It even has a simple to-list feature so you can schedule your projects throughout the day, and Be Focused will set timers automatically so you can stay productive and on-task.

Be Focused is a simple, powerful tool for time management and multitasking. Rather than allow your mind to bounce around wildly throughout the day, use Be Focused to stay head-down in a project or task and accomplish tasks throughout the week. Users can prioritize as they like, and use the app across Mac, iPhone, or iPad.

be focused mac setapp


One of the more obvious places teams lose time is in meetings. Too often, meetings are more about talking than doing, and many leave meetings frustrated there were no resolutions or decisions made on how a project should proceed.

iMeetingX can help. It allows meeting managers to send along invitations listing attendees, the meeting agenda, and attachments necessary for the meeting. The all-in-one interface lets managers schedule meetings and provide all the necessary info in one simple app.

Meeting notes, agendas, or minutes will never go missing with iMeetingX, either. It tracks all meeting content in the app, all of which is searchable. If there’s ever any confusion as to when a project or task was discussed, iMeetingX helps resolve disputes.

It doesn’t stop there, though. iMeetingX has a powerful to-do list that allows you to weave tasks in with meetings, and link meetings or meeting attachments to your list items. Finally, an app that lets anyone create to-do lists and link them back to meetings so they have all the necessary information and context to complete their work on-time!

imeeting mac setapp


Teamwork, time management, and productivity are intertwined. Individuals are most productive when managing their time wisely, and teamwork is most successful and effortless when all individuals are working toward the same goals in an efficient manner.

Apps can help everyone achieve more, and the apps mentioned here – MindNode, Timing, Be Focused, and iMeetingX – are all available for free with 14 days trial of Setapp for Teams.  Along with these four apps, you’ll have access to nearly 200 others within the Setapp catalog of productivity apps for your Mac, all of which can be used by anyone on your team!

When the trial period ends, Setapp for Teams has one low cost per teammate. No more worrying about individual app licenses or how much your team spends on software, so why wait? Give Setapp for Teams a try today!

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