About this author

Kenny is a seasoned writer with a wealth of experience in technical journalism. He has an in-depth knowledge of computers, especially Macs, software, and peripherals. As a deputy editor at MacUser magazine, he significantly contributed to the magazine's development. He helped bring tech news, Mac tutorials, and tips to readers. Kenny deeply understands the technology industry and is a skilled analyst of Mac products and Apple software.

Browse articles by Kenny Hemphill

How to make YouTube load up faster on Mac
November 22, 2018
It’s safe to say that slow computers are a nightmare to use. Spending minutes at a time waiting for your Mac to load a simple 2-minute video, staring at that continuous spinning wheel of doom is not fun. So, what if we told you there are a few simple steps you can take to speed up YouTube on your Mac?
Tips & tricks Tutorial Lifestyle
Best apps for minimalists that increase productivity
September 06, 2018
While an obsession with being neat and tidy might seem over the top, there are some very good reasons for a minimalist approach to using your Mac. Fortunately, there are plenty of apps to help you maintain a healthy, happy and minimalist working environment. And they’ll help your Mac perform better too! Here are the best minimalist apps.
Shortcut Apps for