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What Mac Do I Have?
April 07, 2020
So you might be wondering how to find Mac model number? Or you might be asking yourself “How old is my Mac really?” or even “What MacBook do I have right now?” Let’s dive into these questions one by one.
Tips & tricks Tutorial Lifestyle
How To Improve AirPods Battery Life
March 04, 2020
AirPods, Apple’s wireless headphones, are being praised as the company’s best product since the iPhone. They are stylish, lightweight, and offer a truly seamless user experience. The only hiccup, as hiccups go, is in making sure your AirPods are able to maintain their battery life with use.
Tips & tricks Tutorial Lifestyle
Best Ways To Sell Your Mac
February 26, 2020
If buying a Mac is more or less straightforward, selling one raises countless questions: How much is my MacBook Pro worth? What’s the best place to sell MacBook Pro? What to do before posting a used MacBook for sale? You’ll find all the answers in the guide below.
Tips & tricks Lifestyle Apps for
Productivity VS Efficiency
February 20, 2020
​Productivity and efficiency are two of the key goals of any business enterprise. But they are two very different things and often compete with each other. Improved productivity can come at the expense of efficiency and improved efficiency can reduce productivity. But what is the difference between them?
Productivity Lifestyle
How To Find Serial Number On MacBook
February 20, 2020
All Apple products, including Macs, have serial numbers, which are essentially unique identifiers used in a wide variety of situations: for example, when you want to trade in your Mac, or get it repaired under Apple’s warranty agreement, or check if your Mac is part of a recall, or even simply find it in case it gets stolen.
Tips & tricks Tutorial Lifestyle