Quick actions for everything that’s draggable on Mac

2 min read

A good thing about Mac — it can stretch as much as you want it to. You can always add a bit of extra storage for your endless images, docs, and movies. But as the storage expands, so does the effort you make to manage everything stored on the computer. If the problem sounds familiar, here’s help. 

Use Filepane as a shortcut 

You no longer need to search for file destinations. Neither should you manually convert files before moving them anywhere. And no, you don’t have to open images in Preview to edit or crop them. Filepane reads the files you select and offers corresponding quick actions. From one tiny pane, you can edit entire collections of pictures, export text, or transfer files in batch. 

Drag anywhere, Filepane picks it up 

Anything that you can select and drag — whether from a folder, an app, or a document — is susceptible to the Filepane magic. Once you start dragging, the app will show a small window where you can drop your selection. Filepane instantly detects what types of files go in, and gives you the list of applicable actions. 

Drag and drop files

Flexibly change images 

Filepane removes the trouble of launching a photo editor. If you select images, you’ll see the option to rotate, crop, and resize right from the app window. Even draw on top of your images and add annotations. In case your library seems too large, you can use Filepane to instantly bring images into a ZIP. 

Edit images

Get your files to favorite locations

Simplify your workflow by adding favorite file destinations to Filepane. Once you drop items, Filepane will offer to send them to the custom folders. You can also remove the default destinations you don’t use. To customize your file spots, navigate to the “Manage destinations” tab in the app menu. 

Choose your favorite file destinations

Deal with your text files 

Another thing that Filepane helps you with is tidying up the heaps of documents stored on your Mac. Easily convert TXT and RTF to PDF as well as create new text files on the go. View word count for the highlighted text. Share your docs with the world in the way that’s most convenient for you — Filepane gives you multiple options like social media sharing, AirDrop, Messages, and more. 

Share docs

Thoughtfully, Filepane calculates how much time you save using the app — you can check it in the menu bar. If you adjust the app to your workflow, you’ll see it count hours every week. So your time is totally worth the money. Speaking of, a standard license will cost you $6.99, but you can enjoy Filepane for free if you’re a member of Setapp

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