How to install Jupyter Notebook on macOS: Simple step-by-step guide

5 min read

Starting a journey in data science or coding may feel so overwhelming. Personally, I felt like I was in a maze, a really complicated one. But when I found Jupyter Notebook, it changed everything. It allowed me to run my code and see the results instantly. I can say it truly helped me become much more productive and made coding really fun.  

Now, I will walk you through how to install Jupyter Notebook on your Mac. Also, I want to share a couple of personal tips and show you three favorite apps that I use. They will support you along the way. Ready?

Prerequisites for installing Jupyter Notebook on Mac

Before you dive into installing Jupyter Notebook on Mac, let’s make sure you’ve got everything set up:

  • First off, you’ll need Python. So double-check that it’s installed by typing python --version in your Terminal, or you can grab it from the official Python website if you haven’t already.
  • Next up is pip. This handy package manager usually comes with Python, so just run pip --version in your Terminal to see if it’s good to go. Here’s how to install pip on your Mac.
  • Next comes Homebrew. It helps you manage apps and keep things neat and tidy. Well, it’s definitely not a must-have, but useful. Find out, how to install Homebrew on Mac.
  • If you want a complete data science setup, I recommend you get Anaconda. It comes with Jupyter Notebook and several other useful libraries and tools bundled together.

Now I guess you are ready to install Jupyter Notebook for Mac. But wait! I’d love for you to try PathFinder. It’s a friendly app that makes it super easy to navigate your Mac’s file system. Perfect when you work with multiple project folders or files related to Jupyter projects. Believe me, the app will save you tons of time.

path finder app for mac

To change the default file manager: In Path Finder, open Settings > General and select Set as the default file browser.

Installing Jupyter Notebook using pip

Let’s start with the simplest method. To install Jupyter Notebook with pip, just follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Type in the following command: pip install jupyter.
  3. Once installed, verify it with jupyter --version.
  4. To launch, type jupyter notebook.

This will open the Jupyter Notebook dashboard in your web browser.

Using to install Jupyter Notebook

Installing Jupyter Notebook using the file is a solid option if you’re into customizing things as I am. I really like this method because it lets me access the newest features right from the source. The best part? I can customize the settings the way I like them.

I know that the method might not be the best fit for everyone. Sure thing, you must be comfortable with the command line. A little bit overwhelming if you’re new to it, I know. But in case you want more control, the method could be a great option for you.

  1. Clone the Jupyter Notebook repository by entering: git clone
  2. Go to the cloned directory: cd notebook.
  3. Run the installation with python install.

After you’ve installed everything, take a moment to check that everything’s working well, and then start up Jupyter Notebook.

If you want to test your Python scripts while you’re developing, try CodeRunner. It lets you run scripts in different programming languages from a user-friendly interface, which I totally love. For me, the app makes it super easy to test small bits of code quickly. 

coderunner mac

Setting up Jupyter Notebook using Anaconda

I really like using Anaconda because it makes managing packages and environments so easy. You can create separate spaces for different projects without messing with your main Python setup. Plus, it comes loaded with a ton of pre-installed libraries. They are super useful for data analysis and machine learning. 

So, if you choose to install Jupyter Notebook through Anaconda, here’s how:

  1. Download Anaconda from the official website.
  2. Follow the provided installation instructions.
  3. After you complete the installation, launch Anaconda Navigator. This is a user-friendly interface that allows for easy management of your environments and packages, including Jupyter Notebook.

How to launch Jupyter Notebook on Mac

Now that you’ve finally installed Jupyter, let me show you how to get it up and running.

  1. Open Terminal and type jupyter notebook.
  2. Press Return, and voilà!

Your web browser will open up the Jupyter Notebook interface. From there, you can easily create new notebooks, open the notebooks you’ve already worked on, and manage all your files. 

How to get Jupyter Notebook on Mac: Final thoughts

Installing Jupyter Notebook on your Mac is pretty straightforward. In this guide, I offered you a few options to choose from — like pip,, or Anaconda. Each method has its own perks. So it’s all about what works best for you.

I also gave you a few friendly tips to make your coding life easier. You might want to check out PathFinder for simple file navigation, SnippetsLab to keep your code snippets organized, and CodeRunner for testing your scripts quickly. These tools can really boost your workflow and make things run smoothly.

If you want to explore the benefits of these apps, check out Setapp, a platform with 250+ apps for almost any task you can imagine. The best part? You can try each and every app out for free during a 7-day trial. So why not give them a go and see your productivity soar?


How to install Jupyter Notebook without Anaconda?

You can install Jupyter Notebook without Anaconda with the help of pip by running the command pip install jupyter in Terminal. 

How to check if Jupyter Notebook is installed on Mac?

Open Terminal and type jupyter --version. If it’s installed correctly, you’ll see the version number displayed.

How do I run a Jupyter Notebook in Python on a Mac?

Open Terminal and type jupyter notebook. This will launch the notebook interface in your default web browser. From there, you can create new notebooks or edit existing ones.

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