Amazon S3 on macOS: connect to AWS bucket, sync between accounts, and mount as a hard drive with ease
February 12, 2019
Amazon S3 makes it easy to store and manage large amounts of data. Enabling tons of operations, from storing and extraction to backup, it’s an easy way to scale and manage anyone’s resources – both on individual and organizational levels. To make your workflow smoother, connect to AWS bucket on your Mac and get access to all of your files
Tips & tricks Development Apps for
A brief guide to making and transposing your email signature
November 07, 2022
Email signatures are 21st century’s business cards. Not so much in the sense of getting to know people, but rather looking them up later. They are considered good etiquette in any business conversation conducted over email and by now have become the default piece of information to look up when needing to get a hold of someone in your business life.
Tips & tricks Tutorial Apps for
Best PDF practices for Mac users
April 18, 2022
Most people use the PDF as it was designed for: to quickly and safely send information that the receiving party can’t change or edit. Of course, with modern PDF editors from Adobe and third-party apps, that’s no longer the case. By becoming editable, PDFs gained renewed value as a flexible communication medium.
Productivity Shortcut Apps for
How to make YouTube load up faster on Mac
November 22, 2018
It’s safe to say that slow computers are a nightmare to use. Spending minutes at a time waiting for your Mac to load a simple 2-minute video, staring at that continuous spinning wheel of doom is not fun. So, what if we told you there are a few simple steps you can take to speed up YouTube on your Mac?
Tips & tricks Tutorial Lifestyle
How to search a PDF with AI
February 09, 2024
There’s nothing more frustrating than hunting down a single fact or figure in a hundred-plus page document. Except maybe hunting down a single fact or figure in a whole hard drive’s worth of documents. PDFs especially can be hard for your Mac’s standard search feature to handle. That’s where PDF Search comes in.
Tips & tricks Productivity Apps for
How to Troubleshoot Safari on Your Mac
October 30, 2018
It’s inexplicably annoying to find your Safari browser on Mac running slow, freezing up, not working properly, or crashing. Luckily, there are a few things you can try to make it run smoothly, from optimizing the browser itself to using some straightforward third-party software.
Tips & tricks Productivity Tutorial