Fix “Zoom won’t update” problem, learn how to check your current Zoom version and, as an extra bonus, discover tips on how to boost the quality of sound in your Zoom app.
Now you can use pretty much automated landing page builders that come with built-in interactions, require little-to-no coding, and work on any screen and devices right out of the box.
If you’ve just recently switched from PC to Mac, you’ve probably noticed that instead of Internet Explorer or Edge that you’re used to, Mac has its own proprietary browser called Safari.
At the end, regardless of your language skills, you’ll still benefit from having a translator app on your phone or Mac. It’s great to be able to look up a few unknown words or even translate whole phrases when you feel stuck.
Maybe Monterey doesn’t work perfectly on your Mac, there are speed issues, or you simply don’t like it. If that’s your experience, no worries, we can fix it. Here’s how to downgrade.
If you can’t wait to try the new features such as Shortcuts, Universal Control, and SharePlay in FaceTime, you can download and install macOS 12 Monterey today.
It's fair to say Big Sur is not a perfect fit for everyone. In this article, we describe how to downgrade from macOS 11 and continue using Catalina without any data loss.