The new operating system version 11 has a design that changes everything about the way you use a Mac. Here are its top 5 features that show the full picture.
Slack, once billed as a way to eliminate email, has quickly become the de facto chat app for businesses. While it didn’t kill email, the Slack app did supplant other chat services for businesses everywhere, and has quickly become great for community conversations of all kinds.
We’re sad to say there’s no real Chrome dark mode. Oddly enough, Google hasn’t given users the option for a Google Chrome dark mode within Chrome itself. It’s actually kind of strange!
If you own a business with remote employees or run your company from home, or simply want to make sure your home network security is as good as it can be, you need to take a few steps to secure networks you might be using.
Seeing your Apple ID disabled is obviously both a curse and a blessing. On the one hand, your information is likely to be safe; on the other, you too can’t access it. So what do you do? How do you retain ownership over your Apple ID account page? Read on to find out.
Watching Netflix together with a synced playback and shared group chat is so far the best social entertainment in 2020. Learn how to use Netflix Party for your virtual movie nights.
If there was only one app we could use on our Macs, without a doubt, it would be the browser. In the last few years, with the rise of web apps, browsers became so powerful that nearly everything we want to do, from checking emails to listening to music to composing documents, can be comfortably done within their environments.
While some apps come around at just the right time, others are built for use at all hours of the day. Use these unobtrusive apps to shave off seconds, minutes, and even hours of procrastination.
Visuals are an important part of the social media experience. We’ll show you the tips and tricks to create images and animations that will ‘wow’ your followers.
Everybody knows about Apple’s strong push for privacy. While other tech giants, such as Facebook and Google, have been mired in privacy scandals, Apple has been vocally opposed to any privacy violations and, in fact, supported its stance with a wide range of features across its products.