While we’ve seen many people reporting that Bluetooth keeps disconnecting on Ventura or won’t connect devices at all, it’s necessary to equip you with the knowledge of how to fix this.
We looked into all Ventura problems users have reported so far and found great solutions to fix them. Read the full guide to learn how to run Ventura safely.
Can you achieve higher monitor brightness on Mac? Yes, you can! Learn about the most efficient methods to change Mac brightness — on a single or multiple monitors.
Learn how to copy and paste on iPhone and iPad using different methods, and what’s the most efficient way to copy and paste from iPhone to iPad or Mac.
You can start by finding a few good music download apps for iPhone, although most of them would require a paid subscription to actually save the music offline (but the streaming can be free). These include apps like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, SoundCloud, etc.