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How to connect PS4 or Xbox One controller to Mac
December 11, 2023
If you’re wondering how to use Xbox One controller on Mac, or the one from PS4, you’re in the right place. This article is about using Xbox One controller on Mac, as well as PS4, to play games like Overwatch, Minecraft, Eve: Valkyrie, House of the Dying Sun, Thumper, Elite Dangerous, and Star Trek: Bridge Crew (be warned: you might need virtual PC software for some of these titles).
Tips & tricks Productivity Lifestyle
5 ways to improve your focus
November 03, 2023
There are many ways to improve your focus, and it often requires a mixture of methods and perhaps knowing when you should focus at all. It's okay to be distracted so long as it doesn’t interfere with work or schooling! Here are five tips on how to increase focus:
Tips & tricks Productivity Lifestyle
How to email GIF files
October 20, 2023
With so much of our communication shifting online these days, it’s often difficult to convey the right emotion without resorting to the help of emoji or GIFs. So what’s the best way to create and email GIFs?
Tutorial Creativity Lifestyle
Best apps for a new Mac
September 12, 2023
If you’re anything like us, the first thing you want to do when you boot up a new Mac for the first time is install lots of great applications on it. The problem is knowing which ones to install. Sure, you could look at the App Store and try to decide which are best for you, but there are so many apps on there and, even though Apple does its best to highlight its favorites, choosing the right ones for you can be hit and miss.
Tutorial Lifestyle Apps for